Providing pieces of the jigsaw to support a solid base for unique learning opportunities
"GOOD in all areas" |
We were very pleased that during our latest Ofsted Inspection, we were complimented on some things which we really value. Here are a few quotes from the report
- The manager has created a culture of strong teamwork among staff. The well-established staff team is motivated and extremely nurturing towards children and their families.
- Staff plan a good variety of interesting and challenging activities for children. With support from the manager, they address any gaps in children's learning swiftly. This enables all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities , to male good progress from their individual starting points.
- Parents are kept well informed about their children's care and learning. They are very happy with the service provided by the pre-school. Parents praise the close bonds their children have developed with the kind, caring and supportive staff.
- The pre-school works in partnership with additional settings that children attend. This helps to provide continuity in children's care and learning.
- Children are supported well as they prepare to move on to school. Staff arrange visits from teachers. Information about children's development is shared, which helps to promote seamless transition.
- Staff plan various activities to support children to learn about the world around them. Children enjoy going on nature walks in the local community and learn about different cultures and celebrations.
About Us
Playgroup meets in a self contained classroom in the grounds of Sheriff Hutton Primary School. We have a lovely garden area and we can also use the school field and playground when it is not in use by the primary school children. Please use the entrance on Castle View to access playgroup. If the gate is locked you will need to ring the mobile number and one of our members of staff will let you in.
Toddlers continues to meet in the village hall on Finkle Street.
Toddlers continues to meet in the village hall on Finkle Street.
Toddlers runs every Thursday morning from 9:45-11:45. A warm welcome awaits all parents, grandparents and carers with babies, toddlers and pre-school children. The room is laid out attractively with art and craft activities, small climbing toys, water play and a baby area. Toddler staff are on hand to chat with you and introduce you to other parents. We charge £4.00 per family. We hope to see you there and get to know both you and your child.

Mobile Library
We visit the library van monthly and incorporate a trip to the local park. You will be advised of the dates each term. Your child will have the opportunity to choose an age appropriate book to keep at playgroup or take home to share with you. Please return before the next visit.
Don't forget their books!
We visit the library van monthly and incorporate a trip to the local park. You will be advised of the dates each term. Your child will have the opportunity to choose an age appropriate book to keep at playgroup or take home to share with you. Please return before the next visit.
Don't forget their books!